CAMILLE HUANG                 works: slug meal     feast of fishbones   how to                dancing       about

Camille Huang is a performer making works. Their work unfolds pluralities-poetic-mixed between forms.Camille creates work with a transdisciplinary ethic, flowing jaggedly through realms of sound, visual design and performance. They want to step towards a plural making sense of identity and possible futures.

Camille’s work as a choreographer/performer has been shown in the OFFTA 2024 (Slug Meal), Vous Etes Ici (How to For Dummies) and Danses Buissonnieres 2023 (Feast of Fishbones), as well as in the ATLAS choreographic programme of ImpulsTanz Vienna.
Camille has a background studying anthropology at McGill and Concordia University and is a graduate from L’École de Danse Contemporaine de Montréal.

As a dance artist, Camille has worked Helen Simard, Isabelle Poirer, James Vivieros, Béatrice Larrivée amongst others, and notably performed the repertoire of Compagnie Marie Chouinard (Cri Du Monde) and Stephanie Lake Compagnie in Winter 2023. She has been mentored by Angélique Willkie and Mélanie Demers.

Camille also works in visual art+media realms relating to projection and film.

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Presentations of Choreographic Works // Creation + Performance:

2024 – OFFTA Festival, “Slug Meal”, choreography + performance, Theatre Denise Pelletier, Salle Fred Barry, curated by La Serre Arts Vivants/OFFTA curatorial team

2023 – Vous Êtes Ici,  “How to For Dummies” (work in progress) , choreography + performance, Théâtre Aux Écuries, curated by La Serre Art Vivants

2023 – Tangente Danse,“Feast of Fishbones” , Danses Buissonnieres, choreography +perforamnce, curated by Tangente

Other Freelance Work:

2024 – projection artist performer / collaborator in “The Conditions”, directed by Lucy May,

            MAC Laurentides,  St Jérôme, QC

2024 – dance artist in “Queer Core - Embodiment” by Camil Bellefleur, Maison de la Culture Mont Royal, residency

2022 + 2023 - Movement director and Co-Producer for interdisciplinary artist Sarah Rossy

           creative art and movement/dance direction for 10 music videos in upcoming release of a visual album

Public Performances as a Dance Artist / Interpréte:

2023 – “Le Temps De”, by Béatrice Larrivée, Projet Fly, Tangente Danse, contract

2023 – Nuit Blanche: Sapphonix Collective + Earth World Collaborative, Christ Church Cathedral

2023 – “Colossus”, by Stephanie Lake Company, Danse Danse, Salle Wilfred Pelletier, Montreal

2023 – solo act at “Interwoven”, PAC Pan-Asian Collective Market

2023 - “Cri Du Monde”, Repetoire de Compagnie Marie Chouinard, Reworked by Isabelle Poirer, EDCM

2023 - “20 412 Pas Pour la Paix, Répertoire de Jacque Poulin Denis, EDCM

2022 - URSA MTL, “Interdisciplinary Production: Borderless Expression: Camille Huang and Sarah Rossy”

2022 – “Par Nécessité”, Helen Simard, Tangent, EDCM

2022 – Les Larmes Dans La Pluie”, Sébastien Provencher, Tangente, EDCM

2022 – “True Artifact”, Parts + Labour Danse, Tangente, EDCM

2021 – “Ce Qu’il Nous Reste”, Edgar Zendejas, Tangente, EDCM

2019 – “Wanting of the Waves”, duet with Andrea Carrion Garcia, Studio 7 and White Wall Studio


2024 – Inception Residency, Parbleux, curated by Parbleux

2024 – participation in “Queer Core” creation residency at Maison de la Culture Mont Royal

2023 – Residency at L’École de Danses Contemporaine de Montréal

2023 – research and choreographic workshop at Impulstanz Vienna, ATLAS choreographic program